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Comitê: Embriologia

Why Choose the Reproductive Resource Center?

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There was a time when fertility clinics were few and far between. Now, with fertility solutions more accessible than ever before we know our patients have the luxury of choosing a fertility clinic that feels “right” to them.

So how does an individual or couple go through the process of figuring out which fertility clinic makes the most sense for their situation? And why do we feel our own Reproductive Resource Center (RRC) is the one for you?

Reproductive Resource Center is Committed to Experience, Innovation and Hope


Our mission statement can be boiled do

wn to just three simple words: ExperienceInnovation and Hope.

RRC provides unrivaled levels of experience and expertise


You’ll be hard-pressed to find a fertility clinic with a more impressive track record than RRC. Our fertility clinic was founded back in 1988, and was the very first one in the region to provide state-of-the-art fertility treats to both individuals and couples struggling to start a family despite their fertility challenges. We’ve always dug our heels in and stood on the frontline with our patients – working until we find a resolution that works.

Together, our team has more than 100-years of fertility treatment expertise, and we put that century’s-worth of experience to work every single day when we meet with new clients. Our specialists are well-published, sought out to speak and present all over the world and are considered innovators in their fields.

RRC’s Medical Director, Dr. Celeste Brabec, M.D., has been named as a Super Doctor multiple years a row. In addition to remaining up-to-date on fertility innovations both at home and abroad, she takes great pride in RRC’s high IVF success rates combined with low multiple birth rates. Dr. Brabec’s goal will always be to bring one healthy baby into the world at a time to ensure the healthiest overall outcomes for both mother and child. Over the course of her career, she has helped thousands of parents build their families.

Dr. William R. Phipps is also a celebrated fertility specialist. He began successfully treating infertility patients using IVF in 1984. In 1991, his patient Arlette Schweitzer became the first woman in the country to successfully serve as a gestational carrier surrogate for her daughter. Dr. Phipps has authored and co-authored 60+ articles and has served in the position of reviewer for several prestigious medical journals. We consider Dr. Phipps a professional reproductive investigator because he has a knack for sussing out the smallest details in order to determine the fertility treatment(s) that work best for each patient.

We always keep our fingers on the pulse of the next innovation


Innovation is the heart and soul of reproductive medicine. In many ways, we could say endocrinology and reproductive medicine are still in their infancy – so much about hormones and the bodies complex interconnection yields new discoveries every day. As fertility specialists, we are riding the wave of science and artistry, creating solutions just as fast as new information comes to light – and that certainly keeps us on our toes.

Our focus on innovation yields some of the highest IVF fertility rates in our field, and that’s something the RRC doctors and staff are very proud of.

Experience + Innovation = An Infinite Supply of Hope


We’ll be honest; there was a time when it was easy to lose hope after failed fertility treatments because we just didn’t have access to the knowledge bank we do now.

The 21st century, however, is a whole new era – and it has nothing to offer but hope.

First, our in-depth consultation will ensure you have the most accurate infertility diagnosis possible. Then, we’ll review every minute detail to figure out the fastest and easiest way to ensure you have a healthy baby in your arms as soon as we possibly can.

With state-of-the-art pre-conception screening and our associations with highly-respected egg and or sperm banks, we feel confident that your family building days are just around the corner. We have certainly found that when one fertility treatment closes a door, another treatment option opens a window. If you want to be a parent, you will get to be a parent – and that is something to be hopeful about.

Please contact us here at RRC to schedule your first consultation or to learn more about who we are and what we do. We look very forward to meeting you – and handing you a miracle.
