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Comitê: Embriologia

Here’s How Aspirin Boost Your Chances Of Conception

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As I was skimming through my WhatsApp messages, I happened to read one of the messages which said, “Never discuss your children before a childless woman.” Things that are easy and taken for granted for some of us are difficult to attain for others. Unfortunately, infertility is one such thing.

According to WHO, statistics reveal that in developing countries one in every four couples falls in the infertility spectrum.

But a group of researchers from the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development seem to have made conception easy for women who are not able to have babies.

Research shows that taking a low dose of aspirin (an anti-inflammatory drug) every day increases the chances of conception in a woman who suffers from inflammation.

The study (1) was undertaken to investigate the effect of aspirin on conception and live births on women who suffer from inflammation and low fertility. It involved women aged between 18 and 40 with two to three episodes of miscarriages and who were actively trying to conceive.

A dose of 81mg aspirin was administered right for six menstrual cycles and continued during the gestation period of 36 weeks. It was found that 55% of women who took aspirin had successful births. Hence, it was found that aspirin increased pregnancy and birth rates in women with inflammation.

For an average woman who is unable to conceive due to ovulation or pelvic problems, the aspirin course will not increase the chances of pregnancy. But women without gynecological problems might have a greater chance at being pregnant when they try aspirin.

Here is how aspirin can benefit you before and during pregnancy:

  • Aspirin increases the flow of blood to the pelvic region, which helps in conceiving.
  • Regular doses of aspirin thicken the uterus lining, thereby, facilitating conception.
  • Decreases inflammation problems.
  • Reduces pregnancy-related complications such as preeclampsia and shortens labor time.

With rapid inventions in the medical field, there is a cure for almost everything. However, herbal remedies are a safe alternative to increasing your fertility levels without giving you side-effects. Here are some of them:

  • Red clover is high in calcium and other trace elements such as magnesium, which help women conceive. The amazing herb balances the alkaline and acidic PH in the body, making the PH of the uterus ready for conception.
  • Licorice root has an affect similar to estrogen and hence increases your fertility. It also balances the hormones in women who are trying to conceive.
  • Primrose oil helps alleviate several pregnancy-related issues such as preeclampsia and long labor. It prepares ground for the fertilized egg and takes it to ovulation.
  • A tonic made of red raspberry leaves helps in soothing your uterus. When used in combination with herbs such as red clover, it increases the fertility levels.
  • Nettle helps the uterus in preparing for pregnancy and sustains the uterus even after conception.

However, if you are having persistent problems in conceiving or experienced miscarriages earlier, a doctor’s advice is what you would need and not any OTC drugs or home remedies.
