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The editorial team at Fertility and Sterility is pleased to announce an upcoming Journal Club Global to discuss “Cell-free DNA for aneuploidy screening in embryos”.  This exciting event will be streamed live on November 15 2018, for the first time at 7 PM, Central European Time.

Dr Jacqueline R Ho MD and her coauthors and experts in the field, including Dagan Wells, PhD (Oxford), Mandy Katz-Jaffe, Ph.D. (CCRM Colorado) and Danilo Cimadomo, Ph.D. (Genera Rome) will discuss the recent Fertility and Sterility manuscript entitled “Pushing the limits of detection: investigation of cell-free DNA for aneuploidy screening in embryos.

The Journal club will be hosted by Jean Marc Ayoubi, M.D, Ph.D, Marine Poulain Pharm.D, Ph.D, Paul Pirtea, M.D. and the Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility fellowship at Foch Medical Center –Université de Paris Ouest and by Fertility and Sterility’s Video and Media Editor, Kurt Barnhart, M.D., M.S.C.E. at the University of Pennsylvania and Dominique de Ziegler, M.D. at Foch Medical Center.

Please join us.

To join the debate, contact the Fertility and Sterility Global J Club at: