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4th World Conference on Luteinizing Hormone in ART: The symphony of a new life


Medical Education Academy

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Tipo de Evento: Presencial
Início: 16 de May, 2025 - 8:00
Término: 17 de May, 2025 - 18:00


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The role of luteinizing hormone (LH) during folliculogenesis has intrigued the scientific and medical community for at least three decades. There is an emerging galaxy of research to explore concerning this enigmatic subject. The availability of recombinant drugs now offers, for the first time, the opportunity to examine the roles of follicle stimulating hormone and LH separately. An emerging topic during the previous congress was LH supplementation to improve outcomes in a subgroup of low-prognosis patients selected according to POSEIDON classifications.

During the next congress in 2025 we will discuss the management of these low-prognosis patients in greater detail. Notably, we will move beyond controlled ovarian stimulation to explore further the involvement of LH in personalizing the luteal phase, and in treating male infertility. Also on the agenda will be the extragonadal effects of LH, including potential immunomodulation at the endometrium.

Following the precedent set at the previous congress, considerable time will be devoted to basic science, alongside such controversial issues as progesterone rise and pharmacogenomics. This year we have attracted prominent scientists from the fields of endocrinology, andrology, immunology and embryology to take part in our engaging educational programme.